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Access and HE launch support for a hypoxic blood device

Client need

Our client had very limited clinical data for their device, and knew they needed some help with talking to payers. They had not begun any work on their value proposition and economic modelling, and had not set a price point.

Our response

The Initiate team set to work identifying and assessing potential analogues, routes to reimbursement, and payers from whom we could seek advice. We presented the options to the client and set about creating a value dossier, economic models, and a strong value proposition. We created a set of publications to support and bolster the economic argumentation. We trained key client personnel to use the models and tools created.

Client value

The client was able to secure early reimbursement in a selected number of markets, allowing revenue generation prior to full commercialisation. Our cost-effectiveness publications have proved critical in securing reimbursement. The client has a core set of materials being utilised by field-based teams to sell to payers.


“We had no idea which way to turn: you helped us set a strategy, direction and gave us the tools to do so. Our efforts in Europe and the US have been bolstered by your magic”

Global VP, Med Tech Company